
Certified International Professional Management Executive (CIPME, Level 3)
Certified International Professional Management Executive (CIPME, Level 3)
Globalization represents a revolutionary integration of capital, technology and information across national boarders in a way that is creating a single global market and, to some degree, a global village. While globalization is of greatest concern to businesses and agencies working transnationally, globalization trends affect all businesses whether or not they are truly global. The International Manager certifications are designed for the sophisticated manager with extensive work experience seeking advanced instruction in issues related to globalization. The program provides the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to manage successfully in a rapidly changing, multicultural and multinational environment.
The certification program has three major objectives. They are:
1. To provide sound knowledge of globalization concepts from the perspective of all business management disciplines
2. To provide skills related to working effectively in the multicultural, multinational, business world that globalization is creating.
3. To provide an opportunity for making a contribution to the globalization knowledge base through completion of the required doctoral project.
Candidates in this certification program are expected to be highly motivated, disciplined, self-starters.
The unique delivery modality allows this program to be offered on-site at any company or governmental agency that wishes to bring the program directly to its employees. In addition, the program can be given online, using Blackboard or another online learning courseware. These delivery modes can increase student and company convenience by reducing travel time, missed work hours and incidental costs that normally accrue to students.
This Certification Program is a core certification program of the American Certification Institute. This program offers the designation of CIPME (Certified International Professional Management Executive) to candidates who demonstrate their understanding of the fundamentals of the profession through the successful completion of rigorous professional certification examinations based upon the INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT BODY OF KNOWLEDGE (IPMBOK).
Modules for Certification
CIPME certification program consists of a written and oral examination conducted to determine the candidate's knowledge, skill, and ability relating to the INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT BODY OF KNOWLEDGE (IPMBOK).
Exam of CIPME use the Creative Component.
International management professionals are increasingly called upon to communicate in a myriad of formal and informal ways. The evolving complexity of the field, the development of electronic information systems, technological innovations, and the development of different management structures and styles, calls for creative communications skills.
The Creative Component provides the candidate the opportunity to develop and display communications skills through either a formal research paper or an academic thesis. The candidate must write an original, documented paper of 3,000 to 5,000 words in length on a special aspect of international management. Grading will be on a pass-fail basis. The candidate must submit the title and outline to be reviewed and approved by the Examiner. The research paper may be written at any time while the candidate is enrolled in the certification program. Unlike the written examinations, a candidate may prepare and submit the paper at his/her own convenience.
The subject should be one with which the candidate is familiar by virtue of employment, or one in which he/she is particularly interested or specifically qualified to write. A work-related case study would be a good choice for many candidates. It is recommended that the research paper thoroughly cover a narrow subject, rather than superficially treat a broad one. The subject matter and its composition must be original with the candidate. All secondary sources must be properly referenced. The paper will be judged on the basis of the originality of its content and on its organization, logical development, grammar, and neatness of presentation.
Masters or Doctoral Theses: The Society will accept a copy of a candidate’s thesis as a qualifying submission if it directly addresses a facet of international management. The candidate must submit the title and outline to be reviewed by the Examiner to substantiate that the paper directly relates to the thrust of international management research papers. Upon acceptance of the outline, the candidate then submits a copy of the actual thesis to the Examiners. Upon receipt of the written thesis, the Examiners will schedule a telephonic or face-to-face oral examination to be conducted by a panel of three examiners. The examiners will orally examine the candidate to assure themselves the candidate has a grasp of the broad field of international business.
Professional Designations
Successful candidates are granted the designation of CIPME. The designation CIPME may be used just as similar recognitions are employed in accounting, insurance, medicine, law, and other professions. Either the full expression or the initials may be used after the individual's name on business cards, stationery, etc.